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Popular Topics: Introductions to our Software, The Learning Curve, Three Training Courses, Installations and Emergencies!, Videos: Deep Dives on Specific Features,
If you still have questions or prefer to get an answer directly, please submit a request. We’ll get back to you as soon as possible.
If you need help diagnosing and fixing a specific problem, please use the Diagnostic portal and Service Desk Request form for free helpThe Knowledge Base contains more than 600 articles and videos describing every feature and function of our software programs as well as dozens of suggestions on how to be more productive in all aspects of word processing. The KB is amazingly searchable for thousands of terms, try “gibberish” for instance.
It’s divided into nine major categories, one of which includes five separate and complete learning and formal training channels. It shows you which articles are currently the most popular and uses artificial intelligence to direct you to articles related to the one you’re viewing.
Just browsing can be an adventure you might enjoy.
We think this Knowledge Base is the best in the business. We hope you’ll agree.