People often ask if there are natural limits to TheFormTool. There aren't many that count.
There are no practical limits on the number of pages in an intelligent document™ or template. Users are already up to 600 pages and 180,000 words.
There are no limits to the number of variables in a document. One user has built a checklist with more than 1,300 variables and we routinely see 300-400. Variables do increase the pressure on TheFormTool, so that 1,300 variables, for instance, take about 6 minutes to Fill.
There are no practical limits on the size of textual material that can be added, moved or deleted within a document.
There is a limit on the number of characters included within a Q&A Table Answer: 256
Can graphics be included in an Answer? No, Word won't support that.
If you are affected by these limitations, the solution is to upgrade to one of the Doxserá products, where the Passages feature allows for larger text items.